Thursday, 1 March 2012

Informal Communication

If formal communication is viewed like your dressed in a suite going to a black tie affair then informal communication is like dressing casually and wearing slippers around the house. It is on the spot and usually unorganized. Most informal communication is done in a face-to-face manner without any type of professional manner. This type of communication is usually oral and tends to work in small groups of 2-5 people. Many of us have informal communication every day without even knowing it, such as having a conversation with your parents or friends. This type of communication is mostly taught in elementary school and high school because it is most important. It is more important the formal communication because informal communication is done every day.

Some types of informal communication are:
  1. Phone Calls
  2. Face-to-Face
  3. Texting
  4. Post-it Notes
  5. Quick and Spontaneous Meeting
Can you imagine yourself having only the ability to communicate with people in a formal matter? Imagine a relationship like this with your children or spouse for that matter. Having to either schedule an appointment with you or rehearse everything that you want to say before saying it, almost impossible. This shows that as important formal communication is, informal communication is much more important because life is informal and spontaneous and not everything is planned out. If I had the option of choosing between only being able to communicate in a formal or informal matter, I would in a heartbeat choose to be informal. 

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