Sunday, 4 March 2012

Formal Communication in the Workplace

Communication in general is the sharing of information for a variety of purposes such as informing, persuading or influencing. Then formal communication is organized and managed information that is shared with coworkers or relevant individuals in order to secure action throughout an organization. Usually, formal communication goes downward from owner to executives to managers to staff regarding company instructions and then goes upward from staff to managers to executives to owners regarding data and reports for the company.
Formal communication in a workplace usually only occurs when one employee speaks to another employee who has a different title then the other. Whether it's the owner talking directly to a staff member through an email or vise-versa. Usually when employees with a similar title are speaking to one another they use informal communication (will be discussed in the next blog), which can consist of two staff members speaking to each other.    

1 comment:

  1. No doubt, communication plays an import part in the success of every organization or work place. Without the effective formal communication, organization fails to perform its basic functions. So it requires some proper use of formal communication.
