Friday, 2 March 2012

Mistakes Made in Formal Communication

"You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere." - Lee Lacocca

When communicating formally whether it's in an email or a face to face job interview, it is very important to avoid a few mistakes that could make you look unprofessional. Imagine going into a job interview for a banking position and you show up in shorts and a tank top. What do you think your chances are of getting this job? Very very unlikely. Even though the way you dress is not really communicating, it sets the mood right. You want the person who is interviewing you to think you are a professional before you even open your mouth. By that you must dress properly for the interview depending on what you are applying for.

Some key mistakes made in formal communication are:
  1. Not spell checking and reviewing a formal letter
  2. Speaking slang in a letter, email or in person
  3. Bad attitude 
All of these mistakes can be vital in getting a job, writing a complaint letter or writing a business email. Many letters don't even get read if the first couple sentences have misspelled words in them. Why would they? The people you are writing these letters to have better things to do then read a letter that wasn't even important enough to be reviewed.

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