Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Formal Communication

Formal communication can be considered as communication efforts that are “dressed up”. For example, in a written letter, the formal communication style will demand that the layout of the piece of written communication follow a specific format that includes the date, header, greeting, body of the letter, close, signature lines and any indicators of enclosures all done neatly above a company overhead or anything thing else professional.

A few ways to have formal communication are:
  1. Complaint
  2. Application Form
  3. Formal Letter
  4. Formal Email
 As you see, all of these ways of communication are very professional in the way it is put out and there is a reason for that. Such things as a complaint letter or speech must be done properly to get the recipient to take you serious and know that you are a professional with a professional complaint. Same thing with an Application Form, if you are applying for a job or anything you must show that you can be formal with how you present information and communicate.   

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